Writing with my poor English, hope you will understand what I’m trying to type here.
By right I have completed my Characterization, Style and Project Approach and Treatment long time ago. Kai Chuan didn’t come to school, I help him to complete the Breakdown sheet. But who’s know, end up waiting for them to complete their paper work. But annah can’t finish her storyboard, so Ritchie, Din and me help her. But we done finish, did not hand in on time to Ms Janice. Suddenly don’t know what happened, the whole story change again and again. The story have been changing for 3 times? I think.
Through out of the whole entire, I’m still struggling redoing my Characterization, Style and Project Approach, Treatment, Breakdown Sheet. As for the Props List, Costume List, Pre Production Schedule, Pretty Cash, Individual Pretty Cash, Crew List, Crew Information Sheet, Crew Contact List. I have done, after they changed the third story, so don’t need to redo. =) I have finish my Characterization, but I wants to improve on it and also improve on the Costume List. As for the Crew List, Crew Information Sheet, Crew Contact List I have completed, but need to re-edit. Due to Sakaii wants to quit school, haven’t decided. Have been missing in action for about one month’s, since school reopens. So we have decided not to include her name in the Crew List, Crew Information Sheet, Crew Contact List. But one month’s later, she came back, so I need to do some editing for the Crews stuff, to include hers information. But who’s know she back, but don’t get to see her in school. She is missing in action again.
As for the Treatment, still doing half way through. Hope to complete as soon as possible.
For the Pre Production Schedule, still need to improve by edit and put more things inside the schedule slots. Whenever they can’t finish their work, I just help to complete another paper work. I have been doing a lot of paper work till tired, still need to complete. As for some paper work, I do not know how to do, I will refer to the pervious paper work as for my sample/ example. Or really don’t understand then ask Ms Janice how to do and have completed the paper work.
Breakdown sheet haven’t start redo. Hope I can complete Treatment, Characterization, Costume List by next Monday. So that I can continue with my other paper work that I have not started. Annah do half way, go facebook, then have stopped doing her paper work, then the paper work don’t know till when will be complete. She go facebook, I also go facebook. But I go facebook plus doing my paper work. Maybe different people have different style. Or she lazy? Or may as well I help her complete ba.=) To make sure everything are doing well and can be complete soon. Din? Don’t know is he doing any paper work a not? Did not come to school often.
Then as for Kai Chuan, don’t know how to do the call sheet, then I have explain to him.
As for Sakaii, she don’t know how to do the log sheet. Ya, I wanted to explain to her, but she said she will forget. Then no point explaining to her now, by wasting my effort. She told me to tell her on the actual day. Then happily waiting for the actual day to comes and teach her how to do the Log Sheet.
There’s one day, I’m sick on mc for 2days. I’m away from school, still doing, planning for style and Project Approach, by writing down on a piece of paper.
I really hopes they will change their attitude on doing group project. =) If they are mature enough to think. They have computer at home, can go internet, can be done their paper works or research at home fast and complete. But I don’t think they are putting effort on it. As for me, I don’t have computer at home, I need to do my paper works, research and serve net in school. =P Some of them come to school just for serving internet, why not staying at home ne?0,0’’’
As for Ritchie, I know he is doing some work, but he is throwing a lot of paper works, typing all the call sheet and other stuff towards me, due to members have theirs lazy-ness. =(